Your personal career coach, available anytime, anywhere

Get tailored career advice, job search strategies, and professional development insights. Stand out in your career path with AI-optimized guidance that leverages your unique professional profile.

Personalized career advice tailored to your unique profile

Every career path is unique, requiring specific guidance and strategies. Your AI coach understands your professional history, skills, and aspirations. CareerDeck AI analyzes your profile and provides personalized advice that aligns with your career goals and the current job market trends.

Expert career guidance powered by real-world experience

Benefit from the expertise of seasoned career coach Marlotte van Herksen, whose insights and strategies are integrated into the AI's knowledge base.

Up-to-date job market insights
Stay informed about the latest trends and opportunities in your industry.
Tailored career development strategies
Receive customized advice on skill development and career progression.
Real-time problem-solving assistance
Get instant help with workplace challenges and decision-making.

24/7 availability for all your career needs

Whether it's late-night interview prep or early morning career planning, your AI coach is always ready to assist you.

Round-the-clock accessibility
Get career advice whenever you need it, fitting your busy schedule.
Consistent support
Enjoy reliable guidance throughout your career journey.
Immediate responses
No waiting for appointments - get instant answers to your career questions.
How CareerDeck AI Coach Works

Access Personalized Career Guidance in 3 Simple Steps

Seamlessly connect your LinkedIn profile to give our AI assistant a comprehensive understanding of your career history and education.

Share the job lising or description, and let our AI analyze and craft your personalized application materials in minutes.

Engage in personalized conversations with your AI career coach, getting tailored advice and insights to boost your career journey.