Resources and tutorials

Articles and resources that help you set yourself up for success.

A graphic of a resume

Did You Know that a Resume Should Not be About You?

Discover why your resume should focus on the employer's needs rather than your own biography, and learn how to craft a compelling document that captures attention in just 7 seconds.

Save Precious Time with CareerDeck AI

Save Precious Time with CareerDeck AI

Discover how CareerDeck AI streamlines your job application process compared to using ChatGPT.

Image depicting a letter

Cover Letters as an Added Value: Enhancing Your Job Application

Learn how to craft a compelling cover letter that complements your resume, showcases your skills, and answers key questions to stand out to potential employers.

A resume document with a pen and glasses on a desk

Crafting an Effective Resume: Your Personal Marketing Tool

Learn how to create a powerful resume that showcases your skills and experiences, helping you stand out to potential employers and land your dream job.

Graphic of a resume

Resume vs. CV: Understanding the Crucial Differences

Learn the key distinctions between resumes and CVs, their purposes, and when to use each in your job applications for maximum impact.

A graphic image of a job interview

Mastering the Most Common Job Interview Question

Learn how to craft a compelling answer to the most common interview question of them all: 'Could you tell me something about yourself?'

Image of a man in blue amongst a sea of people wearing red

Personal Branding: Your Key to Standing Out in the Job Market

Discover how to create a powerful personal brand that sets you apart from other job seekers and unifies your professional presence across all platforms.

Graphic of a laptop

Tailoring Your Resume for ATS Systems: A Comprehensive Guide

Learn how to optimize your resume for Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS), and get past those automated screenings.