A beautiful ATS-friendly resume created for you within minutes

Obtain unique, tailored resumes for every job application. Stand out to recruiters and hiring managers with AI-optimized content that showcases your true potential.

Did you know that each job vacancy requires a different resume?

Every job vacancy is unique, requiring a specific set of skills and experiences. Your resume should reflect this uniqueness. CareerDeck AI analyzes job descriptions and tailors your resume, highlighting relevant skills and experiences. This personalized approach boosts your interview chances by aligning your resume with each employer's needs.

Polishes your work experience presentation

Transform your work history with powerful rewrites that highlight key achievements and skills perfectly aligned with your target role.

ATS-keyword optimization
Boost your resume's visibility with carefully selected keywords that pass through Applicant Tracking Systems.
Smart achievement suggestions
Receive tailored suggestions to improve unclear or underdescribed work accomplishments.
Rewrite your content with AI
Not sure what to write down? Let AI handle this for you.

Professional resume themes for every industry and job market

Choose from a diverse collection of expertly designed themes that enhance your resume's visual appeal and match your industry standards.

Job market-specific themes
Choose from themes tailored to specific industries and job markets, ensuring your resume meets sector expectations.
Diverse theme selection
Pick from 20 professionally crafted themes to make your resume stand out.
Flexible layout options
Customize your resume with single or double column layouts to suit your content.
How CareerDeck AI Works

Create Your AI-Powered, Job-Specific Resume in 3 Simple Steps

Seamlessly connect your LinkedIn profile to give our AI assistant a comprehensive understanding of your career history and education.

Share the job lising or description, and let our AI analyze and craft your personalized application materials in minutes.

Access your AI-generated preparation plan, resume, and cover letter, tailored specifically for your target role.